Two Thugs Escape Death From an Irate Mob
Written by Rodgers Ogongo on November 9, 2021

Two armed bandits escaped from the hands of an angry mob in Onyege market, Kagan ward, Rangwe constituency who were hungry for their blood after they robbed M-pesa outlets in Onjinyo and Luora markets in.
According to Kagan West ward bodaboda chairman Mr. Raphael, the two bandits had earlier on defrauded an M-pesa agent at Onjinyo market before moving to Luora shopping center where they defrauded another agent. The robbed victims said that the two tricked them to disclose their agent names together with agent numbers, before realizing that all float balance reduced to zero.
The second agent at Luora shopping center detected the scheme after being defrauded his float in what led to an immediate trace with a motorcycle upto Onyege market where the two unfortunately met a crowd ahead of them upon tip off. They abandoned the motorcycle on the way and dashed off into the thicket firing gunshots in the air to scare rowdy locals and boda boda operators. The abandoned motorbike was burned to ashes by the irate locals.
Mr. Raphael decried the increasing cases of theft from M-pesa outlets in the surrounding markets, as they now appeal for immediate intervention to curb the trend.