Dear Youth, Let Employment Find You Doing Something
Written by Odhiambo Shem on February 21, 2022

By Simon Onyango:
The World is changing, the population is swiftly increasing, the job market is flocked, people are losing jobs, “Youths” are jobless but should we sit back and wait for employment? Yes, the World is changing but it comes with positivity and negativity – now, should we take the advantage of the positive part or continue blaming the current happening?
The new world is coming with technologies, the internet – the globe has been bridged to one society and therefore, it would be better for “youths” to be creative and innovative in order to survive in the current world.
The unemployment rate continue to skyrocket yearly. Thousands of graduands are being disposed to the market yearly – the majority are relaxed, waiting for white-collar jobs, eventually, the reality hits them – they end up depressed and stressed.
According to the World Bank, between 2019 and 2021, the number of unemployed people worldwide increased from 187.3 million to 220.3 million and to 220.5 million in 2021. The number continue to increase, meaning we should change our mindset and adapt to the current situation by embracing technology.
In Kenya, unemployment rate has reached 2.98 percent and this continues to increase, meaning a crisis is looming, I see a future where graduates are going to be rendered useless, education becoming meaningless but this can only be salvaged if we ponder this scene keenly.
We should now be creative and innovative, to employ ourselves, involve in businesses, farming, online jobs and other sources that can help us build ourselves. If we adapt to the above mentioned strategies, then white-collar jobs will not be our priority, we will build our society and if in any case employment opportunity comes our way, then it will find us already well equipped to execute our duties.