FALSE: Linda Mama has not been scrapped off by the Government.

Written by on March 13, 2023

A claim that has been circulating on social media through different posts that the Government has scrapped off free maternity scheme dubbed Linda Mama is FALSE and misleading.

A claim has been going round social media that Linda Mama  which is a free maternity scheme initiated by the Government in the year 2013 and is currently under the management of National Hospital Insurance Fund has been terminated.

In one of the posts   for  Example, a Facebook user by the name Ba Mkubwa Mp  is seen lamenting and wondering if the government still had the public interest at heart since scrapping off the program is so sad to learn.

‘’Do you know how sad it is to know that Linda Mama was scrapped off? Do they claim that they still have mwananchi’s  interest at heart?’’  Read the statement.

C:\Users\SKYFM NEWS\Downloads\Screenshot_20230313-104838_Lite(1).jpg

A screenshot of one of the posts with the above claim.

However in a rejoinder made by NHIF on their tweeter handle on the 2nd of Jan 2023, they  rebuked  the claims maintaining that Linda Mama program is still on and is focused on ensuring maternal healthcare is made cheaper to a large number of mothers.

They went ahead to confirm that over six million mothers have benefited from the program so far since it’s inception in 2017.

C:\Users\SKYFM NEWS\Downloads\Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 11-57-33 NHIF Kenya on Twitter.png

A screenshot of NHIF’S rejoinder tweet

This therefore confirms the allegations to be false and misleading

This fact-check was published by SKY 106.1 FM.

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