Demand for Pay

Written by on November 4, 2021


Some of the workers at the Cleaners Company which is a private company that has been performing cleaning services at the Homabay Referral Hospital want the owner of the company to explain to them why they have been retrenched.

About 12 female workers who were employed by the company between April and May 2021 were retrenched abruptly without receiving their five months salary. The workers are now blaming the company CEO Tom Mboya for failing to give them a notice and also failing to settle their salaries before sending them parking.

The cleaners led by Alice Asena, Beatrice Atieno and Alice Adhiambo Otieno said that sacking them is against the law following their contract agreement. Speaking to journalists in Homabay town, the workers said that the CEO is currently not picking their calls even though they would really like to inquire about their salaries. They added that they were charged Ksh. 3000 for being registered as a member before being employed.

The company boss Tom Mboya told journalists that the workers were employed without following the right procedures by the company supervisor, as he added that Homabay County government has not yet paid them and the moment the county avails the money, they will pay the 12 workers their full salaries.

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